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In This Issue:

Feature Article -
Web Guy Ramblings

Cool Tools - This Is Suite!

Things You Should Know...

This Weeks Question...

March 17th, 2006

Vol. 2 Issue 3

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This Newsletter.

Frank Deardurff III
Newsletter Archives

Web Guy Ramblings

Being one of the cofounders for the Ask Database I decided to start a newsletter for the Ask Database as well. If you missed that one or are not familiar about the Ask Database and would like to learn more check out the first edition of the Ask Database Newsletter at http://www.askdatabase.com/news/. That Issue covers several of the new things we are developing over there along with Ask Tips and case studies.

I have been working on a few other projects and updates for sites like Cut And Paste Tips and a New Members Area at Franks Web Resources as well as new features for Mastermind In A Box. Also if you have missed any previous issues of this newsletter I now have a news letter archive listing in place. Not only is a good thing to do if you have a newsletter, but is also a good strategy for search engines.

The interview with Traffic Specialist Marc Harty went well if you missed it the replay is now available at http://www.askthatone.com/webpr/ this call was on getting targeted traffic to your site using web press releases. I am working on the next Ask That One Call which will happen after Big Seminar If you are going, you will find me at my usual spot. I will be at the sales table helping out my good friend Bret Ridgway of Speaker Fulfillment Services, who was a guest on Ask That One several months back his replay is still available at: http://www.askthatone.com/speakerfulfillment/ALOT of good tips there.

One thing I would like to mention before we move on is that I have my page up to accept donations for the Marc of Dimes Walk America Program I have supported them for well over twenty years now because I think it is a a great cause. I support this because I have to healthy daughters and want to make sure that they and other generations are able to have healthy children as well. You can see a picture of my daughters on the page and make a donation as well if you so choose. I will be sending a one time solo promotion soon about it with more details. Just my way to help out something that helps children.

Cool Tools

This months "COOL TOOL" Is from a good friend and copy mentor Lorrie Morgan Ferrero. It is the Instant Headline Creator.

This desktop tool allows you to generate headlines quickly and easily with just a few simple steps. I have used this time and time again when I am stuck getting the right headline. Let me tell you Lorrie knows headlines. I have taken Lorries Copy writing Bootcamp and she recommends writing 100 headlines before settling in on the right one. This inexpensive resource is worth every penny. Not writing copy you say? Ha! Think about sending out emails to people that you want to get opened. Isn't the subject line of that email one of THE biggest headlines you should be worried about? If you don't capture their attention there why should they open your email? If you ARE a copywriter you will find this tool to be used over and over again. Be sure to check it out at Lorrie's Web Site.

Things You Should Know!

This is a quick html and Search engine tip for you. This is for those of you that are optimizing your pages to work in Internet Explorer AND Firefox, which are the two top used browsers.

I am sure you have seen the mini pop up (or tool tip as some call it) that appears when you hover over an image on a web page. This is generally and alt tag that has been assigned to that image. In some browsers the text written in the alt will display in others it does not. To get that tool tip to appear you simply need to add a title tag. If you are using both the url for the image would look like this.

<img src="http://www.thatonewebguy.com/images/divider.gif" alt="your image description and keyword" title="your image description and keyword" width="590" height="13">

I generally and a description to the image that incorporates the keyword so that you are not flagged for keyword stuffing. As with anything to much of a good thing can cause problems.

Let me know what challenges you are having at http://www.EasyOnlineTips.com and I will try to cover it in an upcoming issue. Remember the only bad question is the one that goes unasked!

This Issue's Question

Q. "I am new to this online game and need ways to get my site noticed. Any suggestions ?"

A. This question appears quite often its all about traffic. First be sure to listen to the online replay of Marc's call I mentioned earlier in the newsletter several suggestions there. Another tip would be of course google adwords, they can be cost effective and work well if you test your keywords. Another suggestion is you have a product set up an affiliate program and start approaching people about promoting your product. Word of advise make it easy for them to tell others about your product. Give them tools and emails to send out, they are more likely to send out a promotion to their list if that's all they have to do is send it.

I am always looking for GOOD products and services to add to Frank Recommends. If you have a product or service please tell me. It just maybe the next "Cool Tool" featured. I am thinking of adding a featured provider here as well so be sure to tell me about that too.

Have a question you would like answered? Visit AskThatOneWebGuy.com

Well that is all for this edition. I hope you found some take away's from this newsletter. Please feel free to pass this newsletter onto others if you think they can use it.

Until next time...

All the best and much success in everything you do!

Frank Deardurff III - ThatOneWebGuy.com

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." - Anon. (Quotionary.com)

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