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In This Issue:

Feature Article -
Teleseminar Replay and about seminars.

Cool Tools - Ask All you want

Things You Should Know...

This Weeks Question...

February 15, 2005

Vol. 1 Issue 3

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This Newsletter.

Frank Deardurff III

Teleseminar and attending seminars

Last month I mentioned a new site I just launched AudioTipsOnline.com as I told you this site contains fr~ee videos online on how to use different audio applications to put audio on your website. This is just a sampling of some the audios I am doing for my webcourse (www.easywebcourse.com) and my soon to launch members area at (www.FranksWebresources.com)

I am telling you this because these videos might help you get audio on your website. Putting audio on your website will increase traction, conversion and improve sells on your website. This has been proven time and again by people like Alex Mandossian and Armand Morin.

To help you even further, last month I had a teleseminar with Mike Stewart that you were invited too. This teleseminar was driven by an Ask Campaign and we answered the top questions on this call, we recorded this call which I am having transcribed and will be available for sell shortly. BUT for a short time only I am putting this audio up for you to listen too at www.audiotipsonline.com/replay1/ Mike knows his stuff about audio and audio eqipment so you will not want to miss this call.

I met Mike Stewart at some of the seminars that I attend he is usually back of the room recording these events and I have been at the back of the room helping out my good friend Bret Ridgway (www.speakerfulfillmentservices.com) at several of these events with back of the room sales.

By attending these events I have been able to meet literally thousands of people that I would not have met other wise. I have been able to met many of my friends and clients in person that are all over the country. I have been able to set up several dozen Joint Venture (JV) projects to increase my product list, not to mention making new friendships at each event.

Even more important each of these events that I attend I learn new marketing tips new conversion strategies, new products that are cutting edge and receive special offers on these new products. For example when I attended the last Big Seminar this past fall, because I was an attendee, I was able to register as a beta tester for Instant Video Generator that has just launched to the public. I didn't get that special offer because I know Rick and Armand and Alex I got that because I was in attendance to this event along with the other attendees.

I am telling you this for two reasons. First is so many people pass up on going because of the expense of attending and the don't think they will get that much out of it. Believe me I work for several of these speakers and I still learn things when I go. Second another Big Seminar is right around the corner and I don't want you to miss it. Vist BigSeminar.com Register for the FR~EE pre-seminar teleseminars and you will get a sample of just SOME of the things you will learn there. I will be there (you'll find me working at the bookstore) and I hope I will see you there!

Cool Tools

Whether you are an infoproneur, a site owner or a marketer in general this tool is for you! I am talking about the Ask Database. I am one of the co-founders of this application (Zachary McCullough and Alex Mandossian are the other co-founders). We have built this tool as a survey for search engines.

It allows you to do much more that that as you may have heard many of the online marketers talking about it. By using this tool you are able to find out what what your abondoment traffic is thinking by running an exit survey. Along with google adwords you can use Ask Database to to create a product from scratch.

Another way to create a product is as I mentioned before is by creating a JV with a known expert putting an Ask Page as I did on audiotipsonline.com or AskFrankDeardurff.com that data is entered into your AskDatabase.com account that is private and available only to you.

Using the search tools in the members area of Ask Database you can find out what the top questions or challenges are. Then create a teleseminar just as I did with Mike Stewart and record and transcribe it. There you have a product to sell with out having to write a single word your self.

My Partner and good friend Alex Mandossian has used this technology time and time again with people Like Les Brown, Stephen Pierce, Stephen Covey, and he has a new Guest on a call tomorrow night T. Harv Eker which you can still get in on AskHarvEker.com/teleseminar .

You can try this yourself by getting in on the $1 Trial just follow this l1nk www.askdatabase.com/specialoffer on top of that you can earn ca$h back by joining our affiliate program we pay you a third of the monthly membership each and every month for each subscriber that signs up through your affiliate link.

Just imagine signup three and your service is virtually paid for when you receive your commision check. We have many affiliate tools for you in the affiliate section. We have already had 3 calls for our affiliates so you can better learn about the resources if you would like to preview those calls you can at www.askdatabase.com/askaffaudio.php and should you want to become an affiliate visit www.askdatabase.com/ASK/affiliate_signup.php

If you are already an Ask Database member and would like to know the special tips and tricks we use for custom Ask templates sign up for our 3 day course that kicks off this Thursday. This course is designed for power users that want to know more or webmasters that want to become certified in the Ask Technology so that can earn residule income from their clients as well picking up new clients that are wanting to take advantage of the Ask methodology and don't want to implement it themselves. Register at www.askcertified.com

Things You Should Know!

I am taking a copywriting boot camp from my friend Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero she is working our tail off and I am glad. This boot camp is taking us step by step on writing copy from start to finish and I quarantee there is no slacking going on in this class. I will let you know how I am doing as the boot camp progresses (I am almost a third of the way through). If you are interested in attending a future boot camp visit www.red-hot-copy.com/rhcbootcampjune.htm

To find out more about Lorrie visit the main site at http://www.red-hot-copy.com/ cool site!

Something else you should know a friend and fellow internet marketer Chip Tarver was involved in a pretty bad wreck a little over a week ago. Chip is doing much better physically but unfortunately is wife did not make it. I met Chip some time ago at one of the seminars that I attended and keep in touch with him from time to time. He is a pretty good guy and I whish him all the best in these tough times he is facing. Several of his close friends are suggesting that you visit his site to help him out by showing our support. You can visit his site at http://firstcontactsecrets.com/ note this is not an affiliate link I just want to help out a friend in need.

This Issues Question

This question came was Asked: What book do you recommend for learning php?

Well I have used a couple of books and visit several sites as I am coding. Two books I recommend and have used are:

A few sites I recommend for reference are php.net and phpfreaks.com a good source to check out for php applications is Hotscripts.com

Here's Your Chance - I want to know what questions you have. I will pick one or two to answer in next newsletter. http://www.fed3.com/1/JustAsk.htm name and email is not required on that form also if you have a possible teleseminar topic or have something you would like to tell everyone about please let me know.

Well that is all for this edition. I hope you found some take aways from this article feel free to pass this newsletter onto others if you think they can use it.

Have a successfull week!

Frank - ThatOneWebGuy.com

"A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him." - David Brink

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