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In This Issue:

Feature Article -
Web Guy Ramblings

Cool Tools -

Things You Should Know...

This Weeks Question...

Spotlight - Something New!

March 30th, 2006

Vol. 2 Issue 5

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This Newsletter.

Frank Deardurff III
Newsletter Archives

Web Guy Ramblings

Ok I know all of you do this every year, but this is the first time for me and it bugs me already!

For some reason the state of Indiana has decided to change to Day Light Savings Time. We are going to the Eastern time zone permanently. In the past we would just change time zones, in the winter we were on Eastern time, and the rest on Central time. Now we have to conform to the rest of the U.S. (except Arizona) and change our clocks twice a year. That happens this Sunday they tell me!

Here is something cool on the topic of locations and all; Frappr allows you to put a pin in the map where you are located and network with a group along with other things. I saw it in a blog post over at Andy Wibbels' Blog (good stuff if you want to know more about blogging). When I checked it out, I decided to add my own group and see how well this works out. Take a second if you can and add to your location Frappr.

Speaking of networking, Big Seminar is just a week away; you can still sign up if you haven't yet! It is the biggest seminar I know of and there are SO many opportunities to network, meet current clients, make new clients, create joint ventures, and learn from some of today's top marketers. I'll be there helping out at the sales table; make sure to stop by and say hi. Visit BigSeminar.com to find out more information and I'll see you there.

One more thing before we move on! I have purchased www.ThatOneNewsletter.com that will make it easier to find the current edition.

Cool Tools

This month’s "COOL TOOL" Is for all of you that do something with keywords. Hmm, isn't that just about anyone with a website? The program is called Keyword Elite

This tool has a lot of awesome features including Spying on your competition! It will let you generate massive keyword lists. Find alternative keywords that might be less expensive for pay per click traffic. Find misspelled keywords, this is cool - maybe you have a keyword that is commonly misspelled and get traffic that way as well.

I just purchased this last week and have been going over it; So far I like what I see. Check out the fr.ee video's on their site and decide for yourself if this cool tool is for you. Visit: Keyword Elite

Things You Should Know!

I have been asked many times how to add a PDF link or other download links. Creating this link is like creating any other hyperlink on a web page except you are linking to a document instead of a web page.

Here is an example of a pdf link to an article I created.

This is linking to the pdf document that is in the SAME folder on the web server as the page.

a href="TheColorOfMarketing.pdf">The Color of Marketing PDF</a

If you are linking from another url it would look like this:

a href="http://www.ThatOneWebGuy.com/TheColorOfMarketing.pdf">The Color of Marketing PDF</a

If you were linking to an mp3, word document or anything else you would simply use the document name in the url. If there is a chance that the document would open in the browser such as with a pdf document I would add the target="_blank" function so that it would open in a new browser window. That would look like this.

a href="TheColorOfMarketing.pdf" target="_blank" >The Color of Marketing PDF</a

I hope that you find this information useful.

Let me know what challenges you are having at http://www.EasyOnlineTips.com and I will
try to cover it in an upcoming issue.

Remember the only bad question is the one that goes unasked!

This Issue's Question

Q. "What is a Squeeze Page?"

A. A "Squeeze Page" is a web slang term for an opt-in page. It is simply a web page that allows you to capture the web visitors username and email address by getting them to opting in to your ethical bribe to get additional information about your product.

I think the term "Squeeze page" is from the old term putting a squeeze on someone to get something out of them, In this case their name and email.

Now to some this seems like a scam tactic but actually it is quite legitimate and productive. Because it allows you to start a relationship with this visitor right away. You can see an example of how I have set up an opt-in page over at: http:/EasyWebCourse.com If you are unfamiliar with creating an optin page there is a good service to help you do this call MarketingMakeoverGenerator.com

Have a question you would like answered? Visit AskThatOneWebGuy.com

Reader Spotlight

After last month’s article I had asked about products and services to use in the cool tools section. I got several replies that were cool tools, services and or products. Then in the "questions" section I generally get questions about building traffic, so that got me thinking, maybe I should add a place to spotlight a product or website from you! So this will be the first one and if you would like to have yours showcased in this spot tell me.

This spotlight is for a product created by someone I met at a Big Seminar and then heard about his product again on an AM2 call.

The product I am talking about is "Salsa Dance DVD" By Evan Margolin.

This comprehensive, yet simple, step-by-step Salsa Dance System will have you out on the dance floor, impressing your family and friends with sensational Salsa dance moves you learned in less than one month.

If you are interested in learning more about Evan and Salsa Dancing visit Salsa Dance DVD.

Even if you are not interested IN Salsa (the dance not the dip) check out the site. Evan has done a great job on laying this out. I find it is always good marketing practice to visit other sites in other areas to see what is working.

If you have a product or service please tell me. It just maybe the next "Cool Tool" OR "Spotlight" featured. I am thinking of adding a featured provider here as well, so be sure to tell me about that too.

Well that is all for this edition. I hope you found some take away's from this newsletter. Please feel free to pass this newsletter onto others if you think they can use it.

Until next time...

All the best and much success in everything you do!

Frank Deardurff III - ThatOneWebGuy.com

"You see things and you say 'Why?'; but I dream things that never were and I say 'Why not?" - George Bernard Shaw - (Quotionary.com)

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